Take a look at the preview edition of Mayor Sly's pep talk planned for Kansas City . . .

KCMO Mayor James: Many challenges ahead

Check the highlights mostly touting his eco-devo agenda . . .

"Among the accomplishments in 2013 that James highlighted include:

- Local companies Cerner and Ford both announcing plans to expand and add thousands of employees
- Adding a new grocery store at 39th and Prospect
- Getting started on the streetcar line which will connect the River Market to Union Station
- The development of the Twin Creeks Residential area in the Northland
- Kansas City being named in the top 20 as a place to raise children, open a business and vacation.

Yet, James admitted, it is hard to overlook the challenges ahead for the city.

"2014 is going to present some unique and interesting challenges to overcome," James said.

Those challenges include reducing a triple digit murder rate and getting thousands of illegal handguns off city streets.

This is funny . . .


"We’re no longer a cow town. We are no longer a flyover destination," Mayor Sly James said. " To the contrary, we are the destination."

Of course, this blog community has been trumpeting these two FACTS for more than a minute. But it's worth it to see Mayor Sly put on a smile to address this town's lack of progress.


  1. No challengers? No problem.

  2. Guy's gone mental.

  3. What nitwit wrote that speech?

  4. Let not forget Raquel Welch in Kansas City Bomber .. ha ha ha ha haa!

  5. No longer a fly over?

  6. What did he have to say about layoffs? Did he give his stamp of approval to union-busting?

  7. Maybe CK stands for Cowtown Kingdom

  8. Is there REALLY that much to do in KC? No. Funny to watch people in certain positions think they are power players. Maybe they have a little pull in KC but who are they outside of this hipster bubble of a town filled with gang violence?

  9. If Kansas City is the 'destination', then you can tell me why I should visit. What do you have that I can't find anywhere else?

  10. How does a private company putting a grocery store at 39th & Prospect (stupidly I might add) count as an accomplishment for him? They (stupidly) think they can make a profit at that location so they put one there. I know it's a food desert. The day they no longer think they'll make a profit is the day they will pack up and leave, simple as that.

  11. Byron, we have a place here called the Green Duck, which you can't find anywhere else. You should come and check it out, preferably at about one or two in the morning.

  12. So, he's basically done nothing? Most of these project were in the works before him.

  13. hahahaha!!!! no matter what he or anyone else's still a shithole cowtown! Pass dat joint Mayor I want what you're smokin!!!!

  14. I was reading the Mayor's State of Kansas City Speech when I heard shots fired in the background and now sirens all around. I always know when I am on the east side of Kansas City!

  15. 5:18: The store is an Aldi. If they didn't think they can make money, they wouldn't be putting a store there. If it doesn't work out, they will leave. It's that simple, although they have successfully tread where others have feared to go (Meyer & Troost, Paseo & Independence area, etc.).

    And Byron, there's absolutely no reason for you to come here. Absolutely none. Nada. Zip.

  16. How many new businesses along the streetcar route. I recall one restaurant in the River Market, any more?

  17. I can't get my BULLSHIT alarm to stop going off.

  18. Sly James has lost his fucking mind, A great place to start a business (downtown vacant and moving to Kansas), raise a family (murder), vacation (Worlds of Fun and Slitterbauhn are fantastic is guess if your from Nebraska) otherwise why would anyone come to KC?

    Byron, stay the fuck away from KC. We have enough problems without your wife beating, child molesting ass coming to town with your hilly inbred relatives. Jebus, Bryon your such a loser.

  19. Mayor James is on a BENDER!

  20. not Carl from Mission Hills1/26/14, 6:37 PM

    Grocery store at 39th and Prospect...LMFAO. Now that's choice. They could not protect that with military drones. What stupid fucking idiot would put a store in at 39th & Prospect? I give it 6 months. They will have more rob,shoot, and jacks there. KCPD better put a substation in there.

  21. I like Byron. Kick's racist/hater ass.

  22. Sly's two top stated priorities
    Edcuation and public safety.
    The first he has no role in and can do absolutely nothing about.
    With public safety, he could have publicly stated that he will back up and support more assertive policing and a geater presence in high-crime areas.
    And he could have challenged east side "leaders", organizations, and residents to cooperate with the police. Both of which he not only is able, but has the responsiblity to do.
    Instead he talked about controlling guns, which is completely out of his control.
    He finally talked about crime and violence, but of course there's a re-eletion campaign coming up soon isn't there?
    Sly's been in his own Koolaid punchbowl way too long.

  23. Let Byron come soon as niggers finds out he trusts them and that he is blind and don't care if you bone his ole lady they will rob and kill his ass after raping his wife in honor of his Dad for two days.

  24. 6:41 ur a fucking idiot....Bryon don't kick now ass. Matter of fact, Flint Locks sheep kicked Byrons ass when he tried to molest it.

  25. 4 things that pop out.
    1) only 50 people cared to come hear it
    2) educated kids will create their own jobs. True, but we don't have 20 years to wait - nor do those we are trying to attract here.
    3) revamp the airport. I knew his "task force" was a sham. Hell, some of his puppets even tried to approve his terminal before we could hear from the airlines and the public.
    4) streetcar. Don't bank on this one, Sly. You only get one Pendergast play per project.

  26. Sly is black and blacks always want more.

  27. Yup just like Byron never enough and can't just shut the fuck up.

  28. Is tha a Sy-Selfie?? .??

  29. Sly is insane but knows he not black

  30. Thanks 6:41

    FlintLock, deliberate & knowing libel does not make you a winner. It makes you an asshole.

  31. you can't prove libel asshole and in fact you are stupid to what libel is. Oh and convicts in jail can't sue for libel

  32. Tony, your reporting sucks. You forgot to mention a few of the other things Sly would like to take credit for:

    Making the sun feel hotter.
    Adding more clouds to the sky.
    We have been named among the top twenty places named Kansas City, Missouri.
    Having a city with the most bricks.
    Best public bathrooms in the midwest.
    The brownest dirt.

  33. The Bat Shit Crazy crook from Clarksburg comes sneaking around late night again. Must be get ready to go rob the neighbors change from ashtrays.

  34. KC is, in fact, a destination. It's a destination for a low yield, nuclear device of some kind, that might clean up the infestation.

  35. Goofy suburbanites. The rebirth of this awesome city is clearly scaring the shit out of you. I fell bad for you at this point.

  36. ^ and this is the problem with crazy people having access to the internet.

  37. says the scared suburbanite troll on tkc comments.

  38. Out of a metro population of 2.3 million, only 20,000 people live in downtown KCMO.
    It's hard to undersatnd what they're all "scared" of other than having to foot the endless bills for a publicaly-subsidized amusement park downtown.
    All aboard!

  39. 300K people live in the urban core. a comparable sized area of JoCo holds 125K

    People vote withe their feet, isn't that what you always say, suburbatrolls?

    Well, downtown is the densest and fastest growing part of the metro, and the city is something liek 2 or 3 time as dense as anywhere outside of the urban core.

    More people live in the River-Plaza corridor than any city in JoCo, and its a smaller area.

  40. This City is Strong. The suburbs are weak, scared and panicking because their time has passed.

  41. Wishing Sly James a Fucked Up Day1/27/14, 10:18 PM

    Die you fucking scum.


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