Rock Chalk Social Media Crackdown In The Aftermath Of Prof. Guth Death Wish Tweet

Check this crackdown on collegiate Internets speech in the aftermath of an unfortunate death wish by a Kansas Journalism professor:

Regents pass social media policy in wake of Guth tweet


"The new policy was made in response to the anti-NRA tweet by Kansas University professor David Guth, which caused a national uproar.

Under the social media policy approved unanimously by the regents, the chief executive officer of a state university has the authority to suspend, dismiss or terminate any faculty or staff member who makes improper use of social media."

And the lesson here isn't rally about free speech but more of a warning to precious J-School grads that their instructors don't really know much more about the digital media world than anybody else.


  1. Do the regents have a position on unsolicited bulk email?

  2. This is still, one fat, ugly dude!!

  3. That man is the face of liberal thought.

    God bless him and his valient drive to end murder and violence by taking away guns from victims.

  4. These are the same board of regents that approve for jesus lovin slavedriver bill self to enslave andrew wiggins for the year for the good of the school.

    our so called "elites and leaders" have nothing to offer us. repress free speech?? be careful, we'll be back in the sixties before you know it. its easier than ever to be an antiauthoritarian, seeing as our authorities are corrupt shitbags.

  5. "corrupt shitbag"??? Seems to be an apt description of this asshole, Guth...

  6. It was DEATH THREAT tweets. You forgot to mention that little detail!

  7. How do you define "improper use" of social media? Saying something that pisses somebody off? Saying something rude and irresponsible?

    The lawyers have a term for that: void for vagueness.

    There's also a free-speech issue, if anybody notices.

    If you take the regents at their word, they plan to, essentially, outlaw use of social media. The only way for a university employee to be sure of not getting fired is for that employee to cease using social media.

  8. Don't believe the friendly little mascot...KU is just a corporation just like any other. Colleges in this country stopped being about challenging te status quo and embracing radical ideas decades ago.

  9. Tony....I am beginning to think you post all these losers and the half dressed women as your only strategy to get hits on your blog.

    It is truly beginning to become annoying.

  10. The conservatives got rid of half the English Departments since the Republican Revolution. They just smoked the last radical out.

  11. 9:12- Are you referring to instances such as where Catholic University accepted a million bucks that bastion of Christian values known as the Koch Foundation?

  12. He's like Phil Robertson.

  13. The Regents know full well that the new policy is unenforceable. Like someone above said, with no clear definition of "improper use," not a single person will ever be or be able to be fired for the bullshit this fat, no neck weasel posted on Twitter. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those who squealed the loudest over this douche nozzle's Twitter comments will walk away claiming victory. In reality, the Regents will have accomplished what they want, greasing of the squeaky wheel.

  14. Greasing of the squeaky wheel but no fix to the problem of the liberal indoctrination of young people at institutions of higher learning. Nicely played Regents. nicely played. "There, we fixed it!" They fixed nothing.

  15. This man is absolutely right. The only way to stop the killing will be for the NRA crazies to experience a massive slaughter of their own. It meant nothing to them when a class full of 1st graders were murdered. It will ONLY hit home when it happens to them.


  16. 9:24, you are obviously a dumbass libtard with no concept of how things really work. People who think as you do are a disgrace.


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