Like It Or Not: Garden City, Ks. Stays Alive And Winning By Welcoming Immigrants

KCUR finds the key to survival for small Kansas towns: Garden City, Kan. Considered Model Of Success For Immigrant Influx

Previously . . .

New York Times: Hispanics Reviving Faded Towns on the Plains


  1. Hell I make barely 26k and I can't get shit for benefits. How do these asswipes like Byron get this free shit?

  2. First off, barely $26K? Be grateful, asswipe.

  3. you can tell you are talking to a stupid person if you are talking to someone who opposes immigration. whether you put economic development or human development first, immigration just makes sense. right wing politicians know this, they pander about immigration because they know thats what stupid people want to hear about. after bobby jindal said we need to stop being the stupid party, fewer politicians are taking strong stands on immigration.

  4. Well it appears meth head didn't read the article and just jacked his White Nigger mouth

  5. Yup go to Garden City and Liberal and watch them work in the meat packing plants for minimum wage - WHILE your grocery store hires union labor to cut their meat.

  6. Well if Tony says it, it must be true. Fuck it, open the border. I know our country is going broke, but lets allow millions of poor uneducated people to flood into our schools, hospitals, and welfare programs.

  7. If we opened the border it would stimulate our economy. The notion that they would all be nothing but a burden is not supported by any facts. Its just racist ignorance.

  8. Ms. 6:11,

    I was responding to the post, I was responding to the first asshole, which is, of course, probably you as well. I don't do meth anymore. As you well know. You peckerwoods want to insult me, & then expect me not to insult you. Amazing.

  9. Having lived in GC, Kansas, I can tell you that the immigrants can totally have that shithole. The smell from the slaughterhouse(s) is awful and the living conditions brought by these animals from their homelands, are terrible. It's just animals killing animals, for fun and profit. What a perfectly miserable place to live. Garden City, Kansas sucks and sucks bad!!

  10. Small town Kansas kids will learn the language, learn the culture, and then have a leg-up at exploiting this demographic in the next generation.


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