KC Blogger MUST READ: "Power Corrupts"

Uncommon Courage files an EPIC posts on the nature of political power run amok from International tyrants to arrogant local politicos and the daunting struggle to stand up for individual rights. Check it: Power Corrupts


  1. Good! No one is paying attention to this AMBUALANCE CHASER, and Tony u should b ASHAMED of yourself for passing off this AD as a credible STORY! At least when the STAR does it they have the professionalism to put "advertisement" at th top of the faux news column

  2. get a life. It's a good post.

    1. Oh, I get it! This is the firm that helped T in his DEFAMATION LAWSUIT against Smokey th Bear! Obviousy it was in exchange for EXPOSURE on his popular BLOG!

  3. power corrupts anonymous shitheads who don't know.

  4. @4:26 -- That doesn't make sense because the case is over. She probably could have bought more exposure with a billboard.

    Personally, I like her posts and I always read them when Tony links. Sounds like some internet commenters have a bit too much time on their hands.

    1. Yeah, the case is OVER! Why do you THINK its over? And the POINT of the original post, Mr T, is that this UNCOMMON COURAGE "blog" is an ADVERTISEMENT for a LAW FIRM! You rant against The Star, yet ur down in the gutterjust like the trees in the DEAD TREE MEDIA FOREST!

  5. Tony has that law firm on retainer. Helps him sleep at night in case theres another lawsuit. And xalti ( if thats not actually Tony in his Saturday night Missy b outfit) sounds like he has a Lotta time on HIS hands!

  6. Not Tony, a friend of TKC on the left coast. And the shitty template of this blog Tony and I created SEVEN YEARS AGO is proof that he doesn't have any money for a lawyer.


  7. Also, you're missing the point.

    It's just a link. You're claiming something that you don't have any proof of. Sounds like you should start your own blog.

    Good luck with that @7:07

    Isn't it possible that TKC just likes her blog and there isn't a financial arrangement that you can't prove?

    There really isn't a lot of good content coming from my hometown and UC is pretty good for a lawyer blog.

    1. ur 5th grade English teacher2/12/13, 7:35 PM

      Can u cram any more double negatives into that 4th paragraph?


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