Show Me Frightened Politicos

House member Rob Schaaf, a family physician from St. Joseph made a fool of himself today . . . He suggested that school children should stay away from the Missouri Capitol to avoid spreading the swine flu across the state . . . He was wearing a mask. Best part of the Fox 4 report: "His speech was greeted with goans from some other lawmakers."


  1. We will be paying Dr. Schaaf a visit real soon. I will keep you and Eric Bowers posted Tony.

  2. He was greeted with goans? How many? How was their trip from Goa? Were they from Mumbai or Kolkata?

  3. I know Rob Schaaf - he makes a fool of himself _every_ day.

  4. I see no reason to pontificate about the foolishness or sense of closing the borders or wearing masks.

    I know I mentioned two days in a row at McDonald for the window persons to llavamos los manos, and they just laughed, handed me my food and then grabbed the sacks for the next car.

    We'll see. Why stick out your neck with a prediction, unless you truly believe that as a country, we're charmed... and nothing bad can happen to us.

    We may all be asking that doctor to get the state to buy a million doses of Tammaflu. Will people groan then?

    Who knows? I know there are still some people in Topeka still alive that are not amused by jokes about Chicken Little weather forcasters in the spring.

  5. 40,000 people die every fucking year from the regular flu - of course, they are old - and you are worried about this strain?? That's 20 fuckng times the number of people killed durng the WTC tragedy and we haven't delcared _war_ on the flu. What gives???? We still don't even know where Ben-fucking-Laden is and we are tracking down Mexican babies visitig Tejas.


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