Define your world

Consider this a dedication to a loyal reader. I've recently had the word "Cock Smootch" brought to my attention by a patron of this blog. I've searched high and low for definitions but I can't come up with anything. Rather than offer a definition, I thought I'd just provide a few examples.

Cock Smootch:

Holiday Drunks
Supporters of the forthcoming Metropolitan Kansas City Performing Arts Center
Kris Kobach
Chubby girls in Westport (but in a good way)
The guy who is still wearing jeans, a nice flannel shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch and a baseball hat like it's 1998 all over again.
KC thugs who kill people for a minor insult or offense resulting in damage of less than one hundred dollars.
and finally . . . Wet sneezers who don't use tissue


  1. The little sneeze droplets that land on your hand when the cocksmoochin' no-tissue usin' grody asshole honks one just a lil bit too much in your personal space. YuuuuuUUuuuck.

    Kill all the overly cheerful fucking holiday drunks.



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